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Welcome to Mx. Boss Lady Enterprises

"Up Is The Only Option"

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 Vision & Mission  


Mx. Boss Lady Enterprises, MBL Enterprises, seeks to inspire, motivate and equip womxn of all faith, spiritual backgrounds and sexual orientations to lead and create professional, communal, personal and spiritual movements. Equipping womxn with the knowledge and skills to become leaders, MBL Enterprises wilI inspire, cultivate and create change in communities where womxn’s voices are often silenced. 



Through training and network connections, womxn will expound upon their current skills and gain the tools and insight expert coaching/mentoring training, EmPower Womxn Training Tool Box, and network connections with dynamic womxn leaders and resources needed to become the leaders, thought partners and entrepreneurs of today and revolutionize the future for all womxn.  

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More About Mx. Boss Lady Enterprises

Our Story

Mx. Boss Lady Enterprises was founded on this one principle “Up Is The Only Option”. A womxn-lead organization, MBL Enterprises, is intentional about ensuring ALL womxn -transgender, cisgender, non- binary, intersex and femme identified are included and represented in every aspect of our work. 

Why womxn? Womxn is an inclusive spelling of women, to intentionally include anyone who self identifies as femme, female, non binary, trans-woman, cisgender, intersex and/or woman of color.  

MBL Enterprises' core values: justice, equality, equity and leadership are the foundation. Our goal is to ensure every womxn has the resources to build and create, along with the platform to succeed. Two ways our core values will be reflected are:

1. Providing grants to womxn entrepreneurs to start their own business and/or advance their leadership skills via training

2. Identifying a minimum of one agency or cause per year to support through financial and resource donations. 

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Rev. Adalphie Johnson Wilhite, MDiv     

Pastor/Teacher/Motivational Speaker/Certified Facilitator

Rev. Adalphie Johnson Wilhite, has combined over 20 years of experience in nonprofit leadership development, ministry, program development, mentoring and workshop/training facilitation. A graduate of Prince George’s County Public Schools, Rev. Adalphie spent 10+ years perfecting her gift of working with youth, reproductive justice, sexual health education and womxn’s empowerment. After accepting her call to ministry in 2012, Rev. Adalphie attended The Samuel DeWitt Proctor School of Theology and 2016, graduated with a Master of Divinity. As an active member in her community, she has intentionally sought opportunities to evoke change within communities of color, queer communities, youth and womxn. An advocate for justice, Rev. Adalphie uses wisdom, and lived experience to empower, educate and break the chains of systems of oppression that seek to hinder underrepresented populations.  

Rev. Adalphie believes having the lived experiences of being a teen mother, receiving public assistance, surviving domestic violence and growing up in church all equipped and prepared her for her God given purpose and directly correlates to her favorite bible verse: And this we know, all things work together for the good...Romans 8:28  

The vision to birth Mx. Boss Lady Enterprises grew from a need to experience something that was lacking in the spaces Rev. Adalphie journeyed: most leadership positions and business were run and led by men with little to no representation of womxn. Seeing and experiencing such travesties, Rev. Adalphie birthed Mx. Boss Lady Enterprises as a means to be the change and representation she needed to see.  

Unapologetically, Rev. Adalphie is a proud lesbian mother, wife, Pastor, leader, and community advocate. Her desire is to assist womxn in reaching their greatness, despite any obstacles they face.  

Designed with Womxn In Mind

What We Do

All services are offered virtually and in person, when permitted. 

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We want all of our womxn to experience the impressive level of professionalism when working with Mx. Boss Lady Enterprises. All of our services, especially this one, exist to help you level up in your career, business and agency. You can trust us to supply you with the best coaching, as well as consulting. Let's Boss Up!

Hours Of Operation

Tues - Fri: 10am - 6pm

Sat: By Appointment Only

Sun - Mon: Closed

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